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The need for community colleges has emerged from a recognition that the formal and mainstream system of education has not only been unreachable for the vast majority of youth, but has also created a wall between higher education and vocational education. As a result, those who pursue higher education in the form of college degrees have almost no practical skills, and those who pursue vocational education are denied basic knowledge about the world we live in. 

Baduku Community Colleges seek to address these gaps and imbalances while reaching out to youth who are at risk of dropping out of the education system.


We address inclusion

Our focus is mainly on young people from marginalised groups like the urban and rural poor, dalits, adivasis and women. Youth from remote regions of North Karnataka , from peri-urban areas and communally sensitive districts are especially encouraged to apply for our courses. Therefore, our courses are conducted in Kannada.

Every course is designed with a unique inter disciplinary approach that builds dignity, confidence, life skills, knowledge, socio-political perspectives, rights awareness along with vocational/ technical skills. 

Our approach to young people


We treat each young person as a unique being with potentials that are waiting to be explored and developed. Baduku creates spaces where students can learn in an atmosphere of stimulation and care. They are continuously challenged to examine their beliefs about themselves and the world around.
They learn new skills to emerge as confident professionals and empowered leaders in society.

Baduku Community College

 Livelihoods Education for an Inclusive and Sustainable  Society 

Vision and  Objectives


  • Helping excluded youth to enter socially critical professions by equipping  them with values, livelihood skills and leadership perspectives for social change

  • Creating  professionals  committed to wellness and justice for women and children

  • Empowering youth with skills and knowledge for sustainable livelihoods in agriculture, water harvesting and community based eco- tourism

  • Building professional youth workers with competencies  in counselling, career guidance, sensitisation and mentoring.



  • Each course has 3 streams, viz., 
    Knowledge & Perpectives (~40%)
    Technical/ Work skills (~40%
    Personal Growth (~20%)


  • Baduku emphasizes on interactive, participatory, reflexive methods with practical exposures and self-directed learning.

  • Life-skills are embedded in personal growth  through reflections on values and aspirations.

  • The aim is holistic development of the young person. Student mentoring continues even after job placements.

Baduku's Methodology

and how it's different from other colleges 

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farm exposure - baduku college initiative
Edited Image 2016-02-05 17-31-48

We are on the path towards building our own campus. Learn more to support us here.

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