changing the world through conversations with young people
Please visit to see our new website!
To be updated shortly.
For those who want to give their time and share their knowledge and skills, Samvada offers several options as our projects are diverse and canvas is wide.
Volunteer at our YRCs:
- Help design and organize youth festivals, discussions and campaigns
-Tuition centres for students who require academic assistance
-Teach spoken English and soft computer skills
-Share your passion, stories and life
experiences with students and help broaden their perspectives ,
*Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering
Most of our students’ are never sure about being able to complete their courses. The anxiety to “not be a burden” to the family and the pressure to “earn and support” the family are constant companions.
Their parents have vested much hope in their children’s education often depriving themselves of basic comforts in the hope that the next generation will be able to lift the family out of hardship.
Presently, we own no land or buildings and work from rented premises for our Youth Resource Centres, office and training house.
We are setting up a Campus Development Fund for construction of a Training Campus for Baduku Community College. So far, Samvada has generated Rs 25 Lakhs through donations and consultancy fees and we need to raise an additional 2.5 crores.
Samvada invites corporates to be socially responsible!
You can contribute to our organization in many ways
-Sponsor a YRC
-Sponsor specific activities that your company feels strongly about
-Donate your time and give our students some career advice
-Choose from a range of consulting services we offer
Samvada has the 80G (income tax exemption) you can get tax exempted on 50% of the amount you contribute to Samvada