changing the world through conversations with young people
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Presently, we work from rented premises for our Youth Resource Centers, Administrative office, Baduku Community Colleget and have no space to conduct workshps for youth from our Yuva Samvada Kendras. This has meant shifting from one rented house to another, working with severe constraints on space and constantly looking for low cost training venues where we can conduct short workshops and long-term courses.
Samvada conducts over 30-35 short and long duration training events round the year. While many of these learning events happen on farms, mountain tops, the internet, several trainings are hosted in our Training House. The House is presently over-stretched to provide a make-shift classroom, discussion spaces, joint messing, dormitories and a student lab, with little space for recreation. The house cannot accommodate more than 25 people at any given time.
The Dream of a Unique Campus
Over the years, we have been painstakingly collecting donations from friends and well wishers to buy a piece of land where we can build a campus for
Baduku Community College. The campus will include a training centre which can be shared by all our Yuva Samvada Kendras for short worshops.
A campus where youth from marginalised communities will live and learn together, expanding horizons & re- thinking aspirations without fear of ridicule or fear of being forced into professions against their wishes! We need a space where 2-3 courses can be held simultaneously as we have a target of 5 courses each year and several short workshops for youth from the YRCs.
So far, Samvada has generated Rs. 38 Lakhs through donations and consultancy fees. Thanks to our supporters, we have now been able to pay the first installment for a small piece of land off Kanakpura road, near Agara Village.
We need to raise an additional 22 lakhs to finalise the purchase of the land. This is the last lap of a long journey and we appeal to our friends to help us raise this remaining amount as soon as possible.
Land documents have been rigorously checked by our legal team and our institutional donors have agreed to give us a sizeable grant to construct the buildings we need.
The proposed training centre will include:
Classrooms and Discussion Rooms
A computer Lab
Indoor recreation space
Staff rooms
Guest Suites
Warden Suites
A large open area for games/ sport activities
Demo farming
Demo of green building technologies.
Our Present Situation
What you get when you share this dream?
Our Dream
An eco-friendly space dedicated to empowerment of marginalised youth who will be harbingers of change.
This has been our long cherished dream.
Maybe this is your dream too!
The joy of having helped someone who is struggling to build their lives - someone who has shown the courage to participate in Samvada’s programmes, which teach them to look at themselves and the world critically.
The pleasure of contributing to an organization that works with hundreds of disadvantaged youth and engages them in building a better tomorrow for all of us.
Samvada has the 80G recognition, so you can get tax exemptions on the amount contributed to Samvada.
We are now getting closer and closer to our goal and your solidarity at this critical juncture will be vital.